Thursday, October 8, 2009

Assignment - Questions for Ezra Chapters 3 and 4

Greetings!! These are the study questions we plan to cover this coming Tuesday.

Ezra Chapter 3

1. When do the people assemble in Jerusalem? (3:1)

2. How do the people assemble? (3:1)

3. Can you think of a situation in which your church congregation assembled "as one man"? Discuss.

4. Why do the people build an altar? (3:2)

5. Whom do the people fear? (3:3)

6. What feasts are celebrated and sacrifices offered? (3:3-6)

7. How does worship help us respond to the fears in our lives?

8. What resources do the people provide and for what? (3:7)

9. When do the people begin work on the Temple? (3:8)

10. What do the people sing to the Lord when the foundation of the Temple is laid? (3:10-11)

11. How do the people respond to seeing the foundation of the Temple laid? (3:11b-13)

Ezra Chapter 4

12. Who offers to help build the Temple? (4:1-2)

13. How do the people respond to the offer for help? (4:3)

14. How do the enemies respond to this rejection? (4:4-5)

15. What happens to the construction of the Temple? (4:24)

16. What do the enemies tell the next Kings of Persia? (4:6-12)

17. What do the enemies tell the King of Persia will happen if the people are allowed to rebuild Jerusalem? (4:13)

18. What do the enemies suggest that the King of Persia do? (4:14-16)

19. How does the King of Persia respond? (4:17-22)

20. Have you ever faced opposition in your work for the Lord? Discuss.

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